Derry Hamilton

I'll Sell Your House or 🔥BURN IT DOWN!🔥

Derry Hamilton is the #1 realtor with the #1 guarantee -- I promise to sell your house or I will BURN IT DOWN! How about that!? Incredible, right? Other realtors will hem and haw, but that's for the chicks 🐣. With stakes as high as committing arson, you can feel safe & secure knowing that I WILL SELL-- FAST and for A LOT OF DOUGH!

My clients have been so happy with how much DOUGH they get for their HOUSES!

To know that I'm serious, I carry around a SOLID GOLD LIGHTER with the face of Papa Lengba of Vodun tradition. I am a SPIRITUAL MAN who holds KNOWLEDGE of MANY RELIGIONS (incl. jew, christ, muslum). I will use my knowledge of prayer in negotiations so you get the MOST DOUGH and then also pray over your home regularly to protect it from any unbaptized ghost-child night-wanderers.

I love children!

I am an excellent realtor of incredible high regard. I am very worldly. I was born in Grimes County Texas and lived many years as a Merchant Marine and a hospitable local in Antigua before returning to the UNITED STATES COUNTRY THAT I LOVE!!!!! The dream of the USA is the dream of homes, and I want to put you in a home, or sell your home for awesome amounts of DOUGH!

I will work so hard for you. I will sleep in houses to make sure they are good at night and there are no ghost-children residing in the home. I will make negotiations literal hell for the other party. I will call the other agent at all times of night and negotiate. This is just one of my methods that makes me a #1 real estate agent. I will show up at restaurants where the other agent is and negotiate. They will not be ready for my tactics. I will win the deal for you and you will walk away with DOUGH overflowing out of your checking account. And If I don't I will BURN DOWN ANY HOME.

Listings VIDEOS!


Derry Hamilton is an excellent man of high regard.Katrina, 2005
Mr. D. H. Milton is a man of excellent regard and a wonderful man.Sandy, 2012
Mr. Hamilton has been in many wonderful homes and finds them to be lovely.Harvey, 2017
Real Estate, Los Angeles Real Estate, Orange County Real Estate, Hipster Real Estate, Millennial Real Estate, Big House Sales, Lots of Dough, Big Dough, Hot Dough, Stacks of Dough, Antigua, Leeward Islands Sovereign Lands, Derry H. Milton Island Haven Swiftboat Custodial Corporation, Runaways, Runaway Havens, New Life, Runaway at 14 to the Merchant Marines, Merchant Marines, Devastating Personal History, Nemesis John Kerry, Vape, Vape King, Vape Queen, Vape Family, Vapiers,